Entries by pernille

Conversions made easy

Do you know the feeling when you see a recipe, you really wanna try – and then the measurements are all “wrong” (Metric vs US, depending on your point of view)? This handy chart provides you with US cup/gram measurement conversions for Sukrin and other commonly used baking ingredients. Make sure to print and/or save! […]

No Sugar Added Wheat-free Brownie Bites

Sukrin Gold is fantastic for this recipe as it replaces sugar 1:1 and has the right flavor and texture. Mini Brownie Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache Cupcakes (14 cupcakes) 115 g/4 oz dark chocolate 115 g/3 T butter 1 dl/3.5 fl oz Sukrin Gold 2 large eggs 4 T almond flour 2 T coconut flour 1 t vanilla powder 1/4 t […]